Senin, 17 April 2023

Tentang Penulis

Halo ini saya, saya hanyalah seorang gadis kecil yang punya banyak impian dan ingin hidup bahagia.

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One day, there was a beautiful girl named Ella. She lived with her evil stepmother and good stepsister. Ever since her father died, she was not allowed to leave the house and become a maid. Ella was sad because her stepmother scolded her every day. To entertain herself, she always watches shows on YouTube with her father's legacy cellphone.

Then, Ella become interested in beauty and making clothes. She started learning to sew and wear make up. Ella used old cloth to learn to sew. For make up, he used old make up used by her stepsister. Secretly Ella became famous because she put her make up an sewing tutorials on YouTube. Her stepsister also helped Ella.

Suddenly someone knocked the door. When she opened the door it turned out to be Mr. Director had invited Ella to come to the fashion show. Ella became more famous because of her clothing designs. Mr. Director realized that Ella was beautiful and offered her to be an actress. Ella agreed and she played the role of a royal princess dancing with the prince. When Ella arrived at the shooting location, she met Henry, a famous actor who played the role of a prince. Ella was very happy because she could meet her idol. Then Ella became a famous actress and would marry Henry.

At home, her stepmother became jealous of Ella's rise to fame. She also made an evil plan by taking Ella to an old house far away so that she can't marry Henry. Then, her daughter, Shella made up similar to Ella and married Henry. Shella actually didn't want to do that but was forced by her mother.

Ella woke up and she was already in the old house. She didn't know what to do. Then she met a merchant. The mercant remembered that he had been helped by Ella. The mercant apprached Ella and helped her. Ella returned and meet with Henry, but Henry thought she was a fake. Finally Shella explained everything, she even washed her face to remove her make up.

Henry believed and wanted to imprison Ella's stepmother. "No, please no, I will do anything. Ella please forgive me, I won't bother you anymore. I beg you." Said her stepmother through tears. "It's okay mother, I have forgiven you before you apologized. Henry, please don't put her in prison. Let her live with us in that luxurious house." Said Ella kindly. Henry agreed and they got married, then they were driven by Lamborghini car to a luxurious house and they lived there happily ever after.

Selasa, 26 Juli 2022

Apa itu Informatika?

Halo, ketemu lagi dengan saya. Hari ini saya ingin menjelaskan tentang apa itu informatika dan apa sih yang dipelajari di informatika? Jurusan informatika kerja apa? Yuk langsung dibaca penjelasannya!

   Informatika merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari tentang penggunaan komputer, mengatur dan menganalisis data informasi. Informatika juga disebut suatu ilmu yang mempelajari pengolahan data yang memanfaatkan teknologi komputer.

   Ternyata jurusan informatika ini sulit lho, karena harus menguasai ilmu coding yang ada unsur matematikanya dan juga ilmu pemrograman. Butuh ketekunan dan ketelitian tingkat tinggi.

   Supaya tidak terlalu sulit, maka ada tips untuk belajar informatika. Salah satunya dengan memahami dasar programing, yaitu mencari tahu dan mengerti apa yang dimaksud dengan programming dan apa tujuan dari programming. Anda juga bisa belajar kelompok bersama teman anda. Bertanya kepada teman dan guru anda tentang apa yang masih belum dimengerti. Atau anda bisa mencari informasi diinternet.

   Jurusan Teknik Informatika mempelajari dan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip ilmu komputer. Menganalisis matematis dalam perancangan, pengujian, pengembangan, evaluasi sistem operasi perangkat lunak (software), dan kinerja komputer.

   Salah satu pekerjaan untuk lulusan teknik informatika yaitu programer. Pekerjaan ini berkaitan erat dengan segala jenis perkembangan teknologi. Programer atau pemrogram komputer memiliki tanggung jawab untuk menulis kode-kode (coding) suatu software atau aplikasi.

Nah, jadi begitu teman - teman, apakah kalian sudah paham? Kalau sudah paham, saya akhiri sampai sini yaa, sekian dari saya terimakasih. Sampai ketemu di artikel selanjutnya!